Petal Peterson Williams received the 2017 College on Problems of Drug Dependence (CPDD) International Committee Award for Best International Research Poster for her presentation, “Predictors of Risk of Illicit Drug Use During Pregnancy Among Women Attending Midwife Obstetric Units in the Cape Metropole, South Africa.” She will receive 3 nights’ accommodation at the CPDD conference hotel in her choice of 2018 or 2019. The two semifinalists were Mohammad Muslim of Indonesia for his poster, “HPTN 074: Spatial Accessibility to ART Care Among People Who Inject Drugs in Jakarta,” and Bronwyn Myers of South Africa for her presentation, “HIV Prevalence and Linkage to Care Among Trauma-Exposed Substance-Using Women in Cape Town, South Africa.” The CPDD International Committee created the award to encourage scientists from low- and middle-income countries to present their research at the joint NIDA International Forum/CPDD International Research Poster Session. The research must have been conducted in the author’s home country or another low- or middle-income country. Suzanne Nielsen, Ph.D., University of New South Wales, Australia, chaired the poster contest subcommittee, soliciting entries, accepting PDF entries, and compiling judges’ evaluations. The subcommittee received 13 entries from 8 low- or middle-income countries, with 2 entries each from researchers in Egypt, Indonesia, Russia, and South Africa.
Judges congratulate Petal Peterson Williams, South Africa, for her award for the Best International Research Poster at the joint NIDA International Forum/CPDD International Research Poster Session. Pictured from left are Renee Goodwin, Columbia University; Clyde McCoy, University of Miami Miller School of Medicine; Dr. Williams; Steven W. Gust, NIDA International Program; and Linda Cottler, University of Florida.