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Los científicos pondrán a prueba enfoques basados en la comunidad para prevenir las sobredosis por drogas y reducir las altas tasas de mortalidad
Scientists will test community-based approaches to prevent drug overdoses, curb high death rates
The 2022 Monitoring the Future Survey reports substance use behaviors & related attitudes among adolescents in the U.S.
Los resultados de la Encuesta Monitoreo del Futuro de 2022 informan comportamientos de uso de sustancias y actitudes relacionadas entre adolescentes en los EE. UU.
Steep, recent increase indicates COVID-19 associated with higher risk of endocarditis, NIH-supported study finds
Según un estudio apoyado por los NIH, el COVID-19 está asociado a un aumento del riesgo de endocarditis
Additional research necessary to parse potential benefits and harms of video games on the developing brain
Es necesario realizar más investigaciones para analizar los posibles beneficios y efectos negativos de los videojuegos en el desarrollo del cerebro
Spironolactone may play a role in reducing alcohol drinking
La espironolactona puede desempeñar un papel en la reducción del consumo de alcohol.
Results add to scientific evidence of negative health effects of cannabis use during pregnancy
Study findings support value of expanding use of telehealth services for opioid use disorder-related care
Los hallazgos del estudio corroboran el valor de expandir los servicios de telesalud para la atención relacionada con el trastorno por consumo de opioides
NIH-supported study also found past-month vaping levels rebound after early pandemic drop.
Un estudio patrocinado por el NIH también reveló que, luego de disminuir al comienzo de la pandemia, los niveles de vapeo en el mes anterior volvieron a aumentar
Estudio: la expansión del tratamiento en la era de COVID no se vinculó con consecuencias negativas
National data indicate COVID-era treatment expansion was not associated with harms
Los receptores colinérgicos muscarínicos M2 regulan la actividad neuronal en la habénula lateral y controlan la conducta de búsqueda de cocaína.
Muscarinic acetylcholine M2 receptors regulate lateral habenula neuron activity and control cocaine seeking behavior
No obstante, continúa siendo perentorio realizar esfuerzos para eliminar el tabaquismo entre quienes sufren trastornos por consumo de drogas u otros trastornos psiquiátricos
Despite decline, smoking cessation efforts still critical for people with substance use or other psychiatric disorders
La detección del trastorno por uso de sustancias en adolescentes puede predecir el uso y abuso de medicamentos recetados en adultos y prevenir la sobredosis.
Screening for substance use disorder in teens may predict adult prescription drug use and misuse and prevent overdose
NIH-supported research highlights growing, dangerous trend, particularly for people new to drug use
Una investigación financiada por los Institutos Nacionales de la Salud (NIH) destaca la creciente y peligrosa tendencia, particularmente para quienes se inician en el consumo de drogas
Better characterizing clinical features of self-injury is critical to provide support and effective treatments
Es fundamental caracterizar mejor las características clínicas de las autolesiones para brindar apoyo y tratamientos efectivos
Often fatal, endocarditis remains a dangerous but largely unknown health threat for people who inject drugs
La endocarditis es una inflamación de las válvulas cardíacas que puede causar la muerte.
Study emphasizes the importance of screening for suicidality and providing treatment to people with mental illnesses and substance use disorders
El estudio destaca la importancia de sondear el riesgo de suicidio y brindar tratamiento a las personas con enfermedades mentales y trastornos por consumo de drogas.
El estudio, patrocinado por el NIH, también halló que las niñas adolescentes tuvieron mayor riesgo de estrés, ansiedad y depresión que los adolescentes varones.
NIH-supported study also found girls were at higher risk for stress, anxiety, and depression than boys
Datos de la red Justice Community Opioid Innovation Network (JCOIN) respaldan la distribución de este tratamiento en los entornos judiciales.
A study conducted in two rural Massachusetts jails found that people with opioid use disorder who were incarcerated and received a medication approved to treat opioid use disorder, known as...
Results from the 2021 Monitoring the Future Survey report substance use behaviors and related attitudes
Los resultados de la Encuesta de seguimiento del futuro de 2021 informan sobre comportamientos de uso de sustancias y actitudes relacionadas entre los adolescentes de EE. UU.
Leaders from across the NIH will brief reporters about on research efforts related to COVID-19 and SARS-CoV-2
Changing the activity of this circuit restored levels of motivation in a pre-clinical model of pain
Al modificar la actividad de este circuito, los investigadores restablecieron los niveles de motivación en pruebas preclínicas de dolor realizadas con roedores.
NIH study highlights the need to expand buprenorphine-based treatment while monitoring and reducing misuse
Estudio de los NIH destaca la necesidad de expandir el tratamiento con buprenorfina mientras se monitorea y reduce el uso indebido
Study highlights stark disparities in caregiver deaths by race and ethnicity, calls for urgent public health response
Un nuevo estudio destaca marcadas disparidades en las muertes de cuidadores según raza y etnia, reclama urgente respuesta de salud pública
Co-occurring health disorders appear to contribute to increased risk, NIH study suggests
Trastornos de salud concurrentes parecen contribuir al mayor riesgo, sugiere un estudio de los NIH
Expert report cites unequal progress in Southern U.S. and among marginalized groups
Un estudio patrocinado por los Institutos Nacionales de la Salud (NIH) destaca la necesidad de una estrategia racialmente inclusiva para abordar la crisis de opioides en áreas muy afectadas
NIH-supported study underscores the need for racially inclusive approach to address the opioid crisis in hard-hit areas
El consumo de marihuana continuó aumentando entre los estudiantes universitarios en los últimos cinco años y se mantuvo en niveles históricamente altos entre los jóvenes de edad similar que no...
Marijuana use continued to rise among college students over the past five years and remained at historically high levels among same-aged peers who are not in college in 2020, according...
Directors highlight research results from NIH-funded science and community partnerships
Adolescents experiencing stress, mental health issues, and hardship most likely to use substances
Appropriate terminology can improve how people with these conditions are treated in health care settings and society
Abordar el impacto de la muerte de los cuidadores es crítico para la salud mental pediátrica, observan los autores
Addressing the impact of caregiver deaths critical for pediatric mental health, authors note
Un estudio encuentra que el tratamiento es seguro y bien tolerado en personas con trastorno por consumo de opioides que experimentan síntomas de abstinencia
Study finds treatment is safe and well tolerated in people with opioid use disorder experiencing withdrawal symptoms
Adolescent marijuana use and binge drinking did not significantly change during the COVID-19 pandemic, despite record decreases in the substances’ perceived availability, according to a survey of 12th graders in...
Una encuesta de estudiantes de 12.o grado de Estados Unidos reveló que el consumo de marihuana y los atracones de alcohol entre los adolescentes no variaron en forma significativa durante...
Un estudio de los Institutos Nacionales de la Salud (NIH) sugiere un vínculo entre el cannabis y un nivel más alto de ideas, planes e intentos de suicidio
NIH study suggests a link between cannabis use and higher levels of suicidal ideation, plan, and attempt
Ensayo en curso para determinar si las clínicas móviles pueden ayudar a mejorar los resultados de salud de las personas con trastorno por consumo de opioides
Trial underway to determine whether mobile clinics can help improve health outcomes for people with opioid use disorder
NIH leaders emphasize the importance of patient voices in addiction medication development
Los líderes de los NIH enfatizan la importancia de las voces de los pacientes en el desarrollo de medicamentos para la adicción
Study adds to a growing body of evidence that prenatal exposure to cannabis may be associated with poor birth outcomes
El estudio se suma a un creciente cuerpo de evidencia de que la exposición prenatal al cannabis puede estar asociada con malos resultados en el parto.
Behavioral problems in children who snore may be associated with changes in the structure of their brain’s frontal lobe
NIH analysis measures the prevalence of nine substance use disorders after first substance use or misuse in young people
Un análisis de los Institutos Nacionales de la Salud (NIH) mide la prevalencia de nueve trastornos por consumo de drogas en los jóvenes después del consumo o uso indebido inicial
Analysis of illegal drug confiscations in five key U.S. regions suggests new drug supply patterns since COVID-19
Finding better ways to reach people at higher risk of HIV for testing and engagement with HIV prevention and treatment services
Daily, PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis medication), is proven to prevent HIV transmission from injection drug use or sex.
NIH-supported study finds biggest increase among American Indians and Alaska Natives
Combinación de fármacos promete eficacia para tratar el trastorno por consumo de metanfetamina en adultos
Combination medication may be effective in treating adults with methamphetamine use disorder
NIH-supported pilot study found team-based approach may improve buprenorphine care
Animal studies suggest that subjects with HIV who suffer from opioid use disorders may have higher viral reservoirs in the central nervous system than non-opioid users.
Los hallazgos indican que los niveles de vapeo de nicotina y marihuana no aumentaron desde 2019 hasta principios de 2020, aunque siguen siendo altos.
Annual Monitoring the Future (MTF) survey results released.
These reviews address how each of these addictive substances and HIV individually or collectively affect the immune system and subsequent clinical and behavioral outcomes
"Science" Magazine Breakthrough of the Year Runner Up for 2020
Dr. Newman officially began her new position at the NIDA IRP on November 22, 2020.
The authors suggest that co-occurring methamphetamine use and HIV present a double jeopardy for COVID.
NIH-funded research from ABCD Study finds association despite household income.
COVID-19 brings challenges, learning opportunities
Finding from ABCD Study elucidates neural mechanisms that may underlie early weight gain
Increases are among the largest in history of national study
Los aumentos se encuentran entre los más altos registrados en la historia de la encuesta nacional
Substance use is common among people living with HIV and is associated with less successful HIV treatment outcomes. Integrating substance use services into HIV care is a promising strategy to...
NIH research finds higher risk and worse outcomes for those with addiction
Concerted efforts and substantial investments in HIV prevention and care in the United States have resulted in considerable reduction in new diagnoses and death since the mid-1990s. To identify best...
People with substance use disorders (SUD) can be at high risk for contracting this virus, either through injection drug use, or risky behaviors prompted by impaired judgment.
This study has shown that among former smokers, use of electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS), including e-cigarettes and other e-products, is associated with increased chance of cigarette smoking relapse.
A new computational analysis suggests certain dopamine receptors in the brain and body are more complex and dynamic than previously thought, existing in diverse inactive states that only allow the binding of specific drugs.
The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) has launched a redesigned series of booklets geared towards educating middle school students about substance use. The Mind Matters series consists of nine...
Just published research by scientists at NIDA’s Intramural Research Program reveals that the drug cocaine causes neurons to synthesize endocannabinoids that are then enclosed within membrane-bound packages, known as extracellular vesicles. Designing drugs or tools to manipulate the protein interactions underlying vesicle release could provide a new way to counter cocaine addiction.
With nearly $290M of new funding for seven years to research institutions around the country, the National Institutes of Health renewed its commitment to the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) Study, the largest long-term study of brain development and child health ever conducted in the United States.
This study has linked cocaine withdrawal to altered gene expression in a brain region affected by addiction.