NIDA and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) have recently issued several funding opportunity announcements of interest to the international drug abuse research community:
FY13 NIDA Avant-Garde Award Program for HIV/AIDS Research (DP1; RFA-DA-13-002) The NIDA Avant-Garde Award Program for HIV/AIDS Research is now open to international scientists. This award is designed to support individual scientists of exceptional creativity who propose cutting-edge—and possibly transformative—approaches to major challenges in biomedical and behavioral research on HIV/AIDS that are relevant to drug abuse. The award is intended to support high-impact research that will open new areas of HIV/AIDS research and/or lead to new avenues for treatment and prevention of HIV/AIDS among drug abusers. Proposed research should reflect ideas and approaches that are substantially different from those already being studied by the investigator or others. Avant-Garde awardees are required to commit at least 35 percent of their research effort to activities supported by the Avant-Garde Award. Pre-application is required.
Tobacco Centers of Regulatory Science (P50; RFA-DA-13-003) NIDA is among the NIH Institutes that have issued an RFA in conjunction with the Food and Drug Administration to provide up to $40 million to support as many as 12 Tobacco Centers of Regulatory Science (TCORS) for fiscal year 2013. TCORS conduct multidisciplinary research to inform tobacco product regulation and are expected to cooperate with other centers in the research network. Applications must include a plan for research training. Foreign institutions are eligible to apply.
Norwegian Collaborative Projects With Research Groups in the United States Up to $10 million NOK is available to cover the Norwegian costs of collaborative research projects between Norwegian researchers and NIH-funded U.S. researchers investigating mental health, alcohol, or drug abuse.