The 2005-2006 Hubert H. Humphrey Drug Abuse Research Fellows toured the NIDA Intramural Research Program (IRP) in Baltimore, Maryland, on November 4, 2005. The following IRP staff members met with the Fellows: Kenzie Preston, Ph.D., Chief, Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics Research Branch, overview of the IRP; Stephen Heishman, Ph.D., Chemistry and Drug Metabolism Section, nicotine addiction; Marilyn Huestis, Ph.D., Chief, Chemistry and Drug Metabolism Section, application of toxicology methods to research on cannabinoids, Ecstasy, and in-utero drug exposure; Eliot Stein, Ph.D., Chief, Neuroimaging Branch, MRI scanner; Alane Kimes, Ph.D., PET Center; Ron Herning, Molecular Neuropsychiatry Section; the neuropsychiatric effects of prolonged drug abuse; Steven Goldberg, Ph.D., Chief, Preclinical Pharmacology Section, canabinoid research; Eric Moolchan, M.D., Chief, Teen Tobacco Addiction Research Clinic; and David Epstein, Ph.D., Treatment Section, Archway Clinic, contingency management.