IAS-NIDA Postdoctoral Research Fellowships in HIV and Drug Use also were announced during the International AIDS Conference, supporting 18 months of training for:
- Former NIDA INVEST Fellow Adhi Nurhidayat, Indonesia, who will investigate risky behaviors and psychiatric symptoms among HIV-infected drug users at three hospitals in Jakarta, Indonesia, with Dr. David Metzger, University of Pennsylvania.
- Elena Dukhoulinova, Russia, who will study genetic divergence of transmitted HIV-1 strains among new and recently infected injection drug users of St. Petersburg, Russia, with Dr. Ronald I. Swanstrom, University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill.
- Jonathan Claude Ipser, South Africa, who will work with Dr. Igor Grant, University of California, San Diego, to investigate executive function and frontostriatal deficits in HIV and methamphetamine.
- Shusen Liu, China, who, will train with Dr. Zunyou Wu, Chinese National Center for AIDS/STD Control and Prevention to evaluate HIV and sexually transmitted disease risks among methadone maintenance treatment clinic patients with positive urine tests.
- Brandon Marshall, Canada, who will examine structural vulnerabilities to injection drug use and HIV infection among marginalized young people using complex systems modeling and social epidemiology. His mentors will be Dr. Sandro Galea, Dr. Anna Cheskis Gelman, and Dr. Murray C. Gelman at Columbia University.
Save the Date: 2011 NIDA International Forum
June 18–20, 2011
The Westin Diplomat, Hollywood, Florida
NEW FOR 2011: Abstract Submission and Travel Award Application Deadline: December 1, 2010
The NIDA International Forum is a satellite to the College on Problems of Drug Dependence (CPDD), and 2011 Forum deadlines will follow the CPDD deadlines. Web sites for both meetings are scheduled to open November 1, 2010. All Forum abstracts and travel award applications must be submitted by December 1, 2010.