Friday, June 17, 2011
12:00 p.m.–5:30 p.m.
Planning is underway for the 2011 InWomen conference, the second annual International Women’s and Children’s Health and Gender Working Group conference held in conjunction with the NIDA International Forum and the CPDD Annual Scientific Meeting.
The 180 registered InWomen members have received a survey asking them to set priorities for the 2011 conference. Virtual meetings are held monthly. Those interested can contact InWomen Chair Wendee Wechsberg, Ph.D., RTI International,
The first InWomen conference, held last year, attracted participants from 27 countries. The conference featured a plenary address on improving women’s drug treatment outcomes by Dr. Mary E. McCaul, Johns Hopkins University. A panel discussion on international issues facing women in treatment included Dr. Anna Gyarmathy, European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction; Ms. Maayan Schori, Israel; Dr. Bronwyn Myers, South Africa; and Dr. Nancy Poole, Canada. In addition, the 2010 conference participants held nine roundtables where senior researchers and new investigators identified topics for future discussion and work. At the 2010 conference, registrants also received an annotated bibliography on Key Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Articles Focused on Women’s Issues From Around the World.