The Fogarty International Center intends to commit up to $2.7 million in Fiscal Year 2010 for 6 to10 awards to provide short-term support to U.S. universities and their partners to create infrastructure, resources, and opportunities for training postdoctoral investigators to carry out innovative, multidisciplinary team research in global health. The initiative (RFA-OD-10-007) emphasizes hands-on, problem-solving, and collaborative approaches and may require the development of new training models and new partnerships within and beyond the university community. Letters of intent were due February 22 for NIH Resource-Related Research Project (R24) awards of up to $250,000 in direct costs for a single academic institution or $400,000 in direct costs for a consortium. Because this was the first time the U.S. economic stimulus funds had been made available for international research projects and the deadline for letters of intent was less than 30 days from the Request for Applications release date, the NIDA International Program personally notified potentially eligible grantees about the opportunity.