New Fellowship Opportunity for Mexican Postdoctoral Scientists

A new fellowship program will enable talented Mexican postdoctoral scientists to devote 12 months to drug abuse prevention research in the United States.

NIDA and the Mexican National Institute of Psychiatry Ramón de la Fuente Muñiz (NIP), along with the Mexican National Commission Against Addictions (CONADIC) and the Society for Prevention Research, have established the United States–Mexico Drug Abuse Prevention Research Fellowship.

Modeled after the successful NIDA INVEST Drug Abuse Research Fellowship, the Prevention Research Fellowship will provide Mexican postdoctoral scientists with 12 months of research training with a NIDA grantee in the United States, along with professional development and grant-writing activities. Fellows may investigate any area of drug abuse prevention research, such as prevention intervention research, prevention services research, prevention methodology, or drug abuse prevention as HIV/AIDS prevention. The NIDA International Program will administer the Prevention Research Fellowship with assistance from the Division of Epidemiology, Services and Prevention Research.

The fellowship is part of the ongoing collaborative efforts between the United States and Mexico to reduce initiation and use of drugs, the progression from abuse to dependence, and drug abuse-related HIV transmission. NIDA Director Nora D. Volkow, M.D., and NIP Director María Elena Medina-Mora Icaza, Ph.D., signed the memorandum of understanding creating the fellowship on June 23, 2011, during the 9th Binational U.S.–Mexico Demand Reduction Conference in Mexico.

Click here for more details and application information.