NIDA and the French National Agency for Research on AIDS and Viral Hepatitis (ANRS) have created a postdoctoral research fellowship to advance scientific understanding of the linkages between drug abuse and HIV while fostering multinational research. The new fellowship is the fifth postdoctoral fellowship program established under the NIDA International Visiting Scientists and Technical Exchange (INVEST) Program. As with other NIDA INVEST fellowships, the new NIDA-ANRS Drug Abuse and HIV Research Fellowship will support 12-month postdoctoral appointments for talented scientists from any nation except the United States. Potential applicants will propose a research plan for working with an expert in HIV-related drug abuse research who must be affiliated with a leading institute anywhere in the world. A new database lists researchers who have expressed an interest in becoming mentors. Potential fellows and their mentors will submit the application together. For 2015, applications are due June 1.