Applications are now due October 1 for three postdoctoral fellowships supported by the NIDA International Program. Non-U.S. citizens from any country may apply for the INVEST, INVEST/Clinical Trials Network (CTN), and INVEST Prevention drug abuse research postdoctoral fellowships. Fellows may now apply to renew their 12-month fellowship once.
Applicants must hold a doctoral degree in medicine, public health, or biomedical, behavioral, or social sciences and have a minimum of 2 years of postdoctoral research experience. INVEST fellows work with a NIDA grantee at a U.S. institution and may focus on any drug abuse research topic. INVEST/CTN fellows work with a NIDA grantee affiliated with one of the NIDA-supported CTN Regional Research Training Centers, on a research topic of interest to CTN. INVEST Prevention fellows work with a NIDA-supported prevention research scientist at a U.S. institution. Previously, the INVEST Prevention fellowship was restricted to applicants from Mexico. There are no changes to the fourth postdoctoral fellowship, INVEST NIDA-Inserm Postdoctoral Drug Abuse Research Fellowship, which supports French scientists who train with a NIDA grantee at a U.S. institution and U.S. scientists who train at an Inserm lab in France.
The Distinguished International Scientist Collaboration Award (DISCA) and companion USDISCA for U.S. citizens and permanent residents will now support research exchange visits of up to 1 month. Support will be approved only for projects that cannot be completed without face-to-face consultation. Applicants must be senior researchers with a minimum of 7 years of experience in drug abuse research beyond the postdoctoral level. The exchange visits may take place in either country.