(RFA-TW-10-008; R24)
NIDA has joined the Medical Education Partnership Initiative (MEPI) administered by the Fogarty International Center and the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) Global AIDS Office to develop or expand and enhance models of medical education in Sub-Saharan Africa. Under the program, African public or private institutions of higher education with a medical school in Sub-Saharan African countries that receive President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) support may apply with their partners for HRSA programmatic awards that build on an existing partnership and focus on PEPFAR priority areas. The primary partner must be from the United States or a Sub-Saharan African PEPFAR country; partners from other geographic regions may be part of a consortium arrangement. HRSA anticipates awarding between five and nine programmatic awards of up to $2 million per year for 5 years. HRSA also will award one Coordinating Center grant of up to $2 million per year for 5 years to a U.S. institution of higher education with a medical school. In addition, the Fogarty Center will make up to $3 million available during fiscal year 2010 to support as many as six $500,000-per-year, 5-year linked awards that are well integrated with the activities of the related programmatic awards but focus on noncommunicable diseases and/or priority health areas related to and/or beyond HIV/AIDS (such as maternal and child health, women’s health, cardiovascular disease and stroke, injury, environmental health concerns, and mental health). Letters of intent were due April 12, 2010; applications are due May 12, 2010.