Two NIDA-supported meetings featured international drug abuse research during the XVIII International AIDS Conference, which was held July 18–23, in Vienna, Austria. Prevention and Treatment of HIV and AIDS Among Drug-Using Populations: A Global Perspective was chaired by NIDA AIDS Research Program Director Dr. Jacques Normand and featured presentations by NIDA Director Dr. Nora Volkow on the neurobiology of drug use and HIV risk behavior; U.S. Global AIDS Coordinator Dr. Eric Goosby, on the evolving President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) strategy to prevent HIV among persons who inject drugs; Dr. Charles O’Brien, University of Pennsylvania, on substance abuse treatment as HIV prevention; and International AIDS Society (IAS) President Dr. Julio Montaner, on highly active antiretroviral therapy as prevention for injection drug users.
The NIDA Workshop on Building International Research Capacity and Collaboration on Drug Abuse and HIV/AIDS informed drug abuse and HIV/AIDS researchers about current and planned NIDA research funding opportunities, online networking and collaboration tools, and research training programs available to foster the development of regional research networks and collaborations. Participants had opportunities to establish new research collaborations and provide feedback to NIDA regarding research opportunities and mechanisms to establish regional research networks. Speakers included NIDA International Program Director Dr. Steven W. Gust, who chaired the workshop, AIDS Research Program Director Dr. Jacques Normand, and Clinical Trials Network Deputy Director Dr. Mary Ellen Michel. Dr. David Metzger, University of Pennsylvania, facilitated a panel discussion with Dr. Clyde B. McCoy, University of Miami, and Dr. Jeffrey Samet, Boston University School of Medicine, on building effective regional research partnerships and networks.