D. Dwayne Simpson, Ph.D., emeritus director of the Institute of Behavioral Research, Texas Christian University (TCU), utilized his U.S. Distinguished International Scientist Award (USDISCA) to continue the collaborative work he began in 2005 to put in place an infrastructure for several regional initiatives and resources to target substance misuse in the United Kingdom (UK).
The USDISCA supported Dr. Simpson’s 3-month visit to England, Scotland, and Wales last fall to focus on structural and systemic implementation issues for clinical innovations. Ed Day, Ph.D., University of Birmingham, was the leading U.K. collaborator for the award and served as a member of the strategic planning team. During his visit, Dr. Simpson hosted a series of 30 regional seminars and group meetings with key decision makers, researchers, and opinion leaders about how to implement innovations for integrated services in substance abuse treatment and recovery. As a basis for discussion, Dr. Simpson used the TCU conceptual models for addiction treatment process and innovation implementation. His work, in part, has culminated in the creation of a center to consolidate and coordinate substance abuse prevention and recovery activities in Britain.