United States
Meeting Summary
NIDA Specific Questions:
- Do specific nutrients influence neuronal function?
- What specific brain areas are affected by specific nutrients, how are they affected, and what are the molecular mechanisms underlying pathological or physiological changes that occur in those areas as a result of different nutrition states?
- Can nutrient deficiencies be reversed by replacement therapy?
- How do genetics influence the interactions between nutrients and metabolic and behavioral processes?
Scientific Highlights:
- ~ 40 micronutrients, and their coenzymes and metals that are needed for proteins. The brain needs micronutrients.
- With micronutrient deficiency proteins needed for survival have tightened bonding and proteins that are more long-term (i.e., prevent aging), "lose."
- Choline important during pregnancy:
- Brain (hippocampal) development
- Later memory function-
- Lower histone methylation
- Reversing some aspects of FAS
- Iron deficiency during development affects the DA system
- decreased D2
- TH is iron dependent enzyme to get l-dopa
- Zinc deficiency associated with higher glucocorticoids
- Omega 3 associated with improved mood, cognitive development, neuro-plasticity, synaptogenesis
- DHA associated with neuroprotectin D1 (NPD1) molecule
Potential Areas of Research for NIDA:
- Effects of dietary deficiencies on neuroplasticity; substance abuse
- Balance and interaction among multiple nutrients, as opposed to study of individual nutrients
- The need for investigating multiple targets in order to influence prevention and treatment of chronic disease states
- Nutritional effects on the post-developing brain; developing methods to study
- Gender/sex differences relative to the effects from nutrition and diet; effects of sex hormones on nutrient metabolism
- The effects of nutrition/nutrients on relapse in a rehabilitation model, in addition to prevention and maintenance of addiction
- Relationship between nutrition and neuroAIDs in drug abuse with respect to early cell death and early cognitive decline