United States
Meeting Summary
Meeting Objectives:
- Enhance substance abuse epidemiology, prevention, and treatment research among American Indians and Alaska Native populations:
- Lay the foundation to network investigators working in this research area
- Determine the state of the science of AI/AN substance abuse research, and identify research gaps with recommendations for next steps
- Provide intensive technical assistance to early career investigators in this field
Meeting Implementation:
- State of the Science Presentations
- 19 presentations from NIH funded investigators
- Expert Panel
- 2.5 hour session to provide recommendations
- Technical Assistance
- 26 concepts reviewed, 32 travel awards
- Prior to meeting: Concepts submitted, vetted, returned with comments for revision, distributed for review
- Presentations, panel, Q & A
- Individual concept review
- 26 concepts reviewed, 32 travel awards
Identified Priority Areas:
- Multi-faceted interventions to address the complexities of substance abuse in this population including a focus on protective factors within Native communities
- Support infrastructure development between and within universities and Native communities to provide a foundation for future research in this area
- Technical assistance to new investigators to strengthen future research
- Basic research in areas such as epidemiology including large scale investigations
- Secondary analysis of existing data
- Validated measures and tests of existing evidence-based interventions, perhaps culturally adapted or culturally grounded
- Expanded models and frameworks to incorporate, for example, relationships, risk and protective factors, health services and health policy research
- Further meetings on the state of the science and technical assistance opportunities
Next Steps:
- Identify scientific gap areas and areas ripe for immediate action
- Summary report on research direction/processes based on expert panel session
- Find strategies to stimulate science
- Work to disseminate science
- Determine ways to support infrastructure development phase for communities and academic partners
- Identify opportunities for technical assistance including web-based trainings, conferences, and grant development workshops
- Continue outreach and networking of AI/AN Substance Abuse Researchers
Note: This meeting was held in with support from NIDA, NIAAA, NCI, and OBSSR.