United States
Meeting Summary
2014 Meeting Overview
The workshop Screening, Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment “SBIRT” in Adolescent Primary Care, was held on March 23, 2014. This workshop was part of SAHM’s 2014 Annual Meeting “Nature and Nurture: Moving to a Deeper Understanding of Adolescent Health.” This Blending Meeting provided participants the opportunity to learn about the AAP’s proposed intervention strategy, which is aligned with DSM-V diagnoses. Based on the AAP’s guidelines, the presenting experts developed four “actionable risk” categories for assessing opioid misuse/risk of misuse and utilizing SBIRT for administering care.
This workshop was presented by Lydia Shrier, MD., MPH; Sharon Levy, M.D. MPH; and Geetha Subramaniam, M.D., and included both the presentation and a hands on case study exercise.
Goals and Objectives:
The goals of the meeting were to encourage attendees to screen all teens as part of routine care, and demonstrate the effectiveness of a validated tool as part of that process.
At the end of the day, attendees were able to:
- Demonstrate a screening tool that quickly and accurately assesses the risk associated with substance abuse
- Demonstrate an associated SBIRT algorithm
There were over 50 individuals in attendance for this session.