Frontiers in Addiction Research Mini-Convention - "Relapse and Recovery: from Mechanistic Understanding to Translational Research"

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San Diego Convention Center, Room 7; San Diego, California


Caitlin Dudevoir
SEI Services

United States

Meeting Summary

The theme of this year’s mini-convention is on relapse and recovery, with an emphasis on integration of preclinical and clinical research and leveraging insights from big data approaches. The symposium will highlight notable studies in drug and alcohol research, in areas ranging from molecular mechanisms to treatment in clinical populations.

Frontiers in Addiction Research Mini-Convention has been a part of the annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience Meeting since 2002. The annual mini-conventions are designed to bring together participants, particularly young investigators, from a wide array of scientific disciplines to share advances and discuss future directions for research in the neuroscience of drug abuse, addiction, and related areas.

Frontiers in Addiction Research also features an Early Career Investigators Poster Session and, since 2003, has been the setting for the Society for Neuroscience Jacob P. Waletzky Memorial lecture, which honors the research contributions made by outstanding junior scientists in the area of drug addiction or alcoholism, and the nervous system.


Additional Information

NIDA/NIAAA mini-convention held in conjunction with the Society for Neuroscience annual meeting.