NIDA Symposium on the Avant-Garde Award Program for HIV/AIDS and Substance Use Disorder Research

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Meeting Summary

The NIDA HIV Research Program hosted a symposium in April 2021 of recent awardees of the NIDA Avant-Garde Award Program for HIV/AIDS and Substance Use Disorder Research (DP1). The Avant-Garde Awards are designed to support creative, transformative solutions to the critical challenges of the future.

The symposium featured remarks from NIDA Deputy Director Dr. Wilson Compton, ARP Director Dr. Redonna Chandler, and ARP Associate Director Dr. Vasundhara Varthakavi, followed by presentations by recent Avant-Garde awardees:

  • Don Des Jarlais, PhD, School of Global Public Health, New York University
    Combined Prevention of Initiation into Injecting Drug Use
  • Dana Gabuzda, MD, Dana-Farber/Harvard Cancer Institute, Harvard Medical School
    Marijuana Use, Inflammation, and Comorbidities in People with HIV
  • Stuart Lipton, MD, PhD, Department of Molecular Medicine, Scripps Research Institute
    TCA Cycle Compromise Due to Aberrant Protein S-Nitrosylation in NeuroAIDS, Methamphetamine Use, and Neurodegenerative Disorders
  • Davey Smith, MD, Department of Medicine, University of California, San Diego
    Network Informed Prevention
  • Melanie Ott, MD, PhD, Gladstone Institute of Virology and Immunology, University of California, San Francisco
    HIV and Aging: From Molecules to Tissues
  • Julie Overbaugh, PhD, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, University of Washington
    Profiling Escape Pathways for HIV antibodies

These leading researchers provided an insightful look at their groundbreaking studies that are leading the field to new areas of research at the intersection of the prevention, treatment, and eradication of HIV and substance use.

HRP also funds the complementary NIDA Avenir Award Program for Research on Substance Use Disorders and HIV/AIDS (DP2), designed to stimulate innovation and potentially transformative research from early stage investigators, and hosted the HIV/AIDS Avenir Award Symposium on January 27, 2021 to highlight recent award recipients and their research.

You can also review the second Avant-Garde Symposium, held May 2022, and contact the HRP Support Team for more information and updates on the HIV Avenir and Avant-Garde Awards.