NIDA’s drug abuse information for teens goes mobile

NIH also improves access for parents, teachers, and Spanish language readers

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Teens -- and adults who care for them -- can now find answers to questions about drug abuse and addiction more easily, and through smartphones and tablets.  Spanish language versions of easy to understand resources on drug abuse and addiction are now also available. The updates, announced today by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), part of the National Institutes of Health, are being launched as part of National Substance Abuse Prevention Month events in October.

For teens, their parents and teachers, NIDA has upgraded its popular teen website to a “responsive design” model that automatically adjusts to fit the viewer’s screen for better viewing through smartphones and tablets. The new design is also more engaging, with larger, more vibrant buttons that link directly to resources that provide answers to questions and concerns related to drug abuse in adolescents. The teen site continues to house free, interactive resources such as its teen blog and PEERx, an online educational initiative to discourage abuse of prescription drugs among teens.

In addition to the redesigned teen site, NIDA’s improved Parents and Educators page makes it easier for caregivers and teachers to find free, scientifically based prevention and education resources. Examples include Family Checkup -- a tool for talking with children about drugs -- as well as the latest science-based information on the health effects and consequences of drug abuse. Teachers can also find free resources for elementary, middle and high school students, including examples of classroom-based science experiments from the NIH Lab Challenge.

To reach adults with limited literacy skills, NIDA’s Easy-to-Read website now includes Spanish-language versions of its Drug Facts pages; its What is Addiction? section; as well as two easy to understand videos explaining the science behind drug addiction.

In October, parents, youth, schools, businesses and community leaders across the country join together in recognizing the role that substance abuse prevention plays in promoting safe and healthy communities. National Substance Abuse Prevention Month, which began in 2011, is organized by the White House’s Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP).

“By using improved Web and handheld device strategies to distribute research findings, we can reach a broader audience,” said NIDA Director Dr. Nora D. Volkow. “NIDA is launching these tools during National Substance Abuse Prevention Month and will continue to translate the science to guide effective prevention and education efforts in homes and communities.”

For more information on drug prevention, see NIDA’s Preventing Drug Abuse among Children and Adolescents at To find out how to get involved in National Substance Abuse Prevention Month, visit