NIDA announces two online resources


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The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) is pleased to announce two online resources - Substance Use in Women and Therapeutic Communities Research Report.

Substance Use in Women

Women face unique issues when it comes to substance use, both biological (sex) and cultural (gender). This new online resource provides information on the importance of scientific research into sex and gender issues related to drug use. It includes research summaries about women and commonly abused drugs, including marijuana and prescription medications. Additionally, this new Web section summarizes the latest research related to drug use while pregnant or breastfeeding, along with what science has told us about sex and gender differences in drug addiction treatment. It also looks at other issues related to drug use, including co-occurring mental health disorders, women and violence, and the importance of including women in research.

Therapeutic Communities Research Report cover

Therapeutic Communities (TCs) are a common model of long-term residential treatment for substance use disorders. They have a recovery orientation, focusing on the whole person and overall lifestyle changes, not simply abstinence from drug use. This orientation acknowledges the chronic, relapsing nature of substance use disorders and holds the view that lapses are opportunities for learning. This revised Research Report discusses the approach, key components and effectiveness of TCs, how treatment is provided, and how TCs treat populations with special needs, including mental illness, homelessness, as well as for women and adolescents. It also addresses how TCs are integrated into the criminal justice system.

For more information on NIDA’s Substance Use in Women web section, go to:

For more information on the Therapeutic Communities Research Report, go to:

For more information on this announcement, contact the NIDA press office at or 301-443-6245.