NIDA and NIAAA release new resources for National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week


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The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) and the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) are pleased to unveil new online toolkits designed for National Drug and Alcohol Facts WeekSM event holders interested in focusing on specific drugs.

National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week (NDAFW) is an annual, week-long observance that brings together teens and scientific experts to shatter persistent myths about substance use and addiction. The new toolkits provide event holders with resources to tailor activities to the specific drugs that most affect their communities. Additionally, a general NDAFW toolkit in Spanish is now available.

The toolkits highlight information to specific drugs or audiences, including:

This year’s observance will be held January 25-31, 2016. Events can be sponsored by a variety of organizations, including schools, community groups, sports clubs, and hospitals. Toolkit resources can be combined with the IQ Challenge quiz, which contains questions about different kinds of drugs.

For all information related to NDAFW, go to:

For information on how to promote a NDAFW event, go to:

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