Institute Expands Office on AIDS

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Dr. Harry Haverkos Dr. Harry W. Haverkos

To better oversee its expanding role in AIDS research and its AIDS-related treatment and prevention programs, NIDA has strengthened its Office on AIDS. The Office now has four full-time staff members and a crowded agenda.

Dr. Harry W. Haverkos, a physician, researcher, and health program administrator, is now full-time head of the Office. He formerly served in a dual capacity as director of the Office on AIDS and as acting director of the former Division of Clinical Research. Dr. Haverkos is an AIDS researcher and a physician who treats AIDS patients at the Walter Reed Army Medical Center. Dr. Steven W. Gust, a psychologist who recently served as special assistant to the NIDA director, is deputy director of the Office. "Our key function is coordination," explains Dr. Haverkos. The Office oversees all of NIDA's AIDS-related activities and coordinates efforts with other Federal agencies, such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The Office works closely with the NIH Office of AIDS Research, which supervises AIDS research funding for NIDA and other NIH Institutes.