NIDA Executive Officer Receives Presidential Meritorious Executive Rank Award

NIDA Associate Director and Executive Officer Laura S. Rosenthal has received her second Presidential Meritorious Executive Rank Award in 5 years. The award is the second highest award in the Federal Government and is granted for "sustained accomplishment," based on such leadership qualities as innovation and achievement. Of the Federal Government's 1.8 million civilian employees, only 6,800 have risen to the echelon of career senior executive, and of this group, fewer than 300 receive the award each year.
Ms. Rosenthal has more than 30 years of Government experience, beginning as a research assistant at the National Institute of Mental Health. She also has held positions in both the intramural and extramural programs of the National Institutes of Health (NIH); the Alcohol, Drug Abuse, and Mental Health Administration; and the Food and Drug Administration. She has worked with NIDA since 1989.
Ms. Rosenthal is responsible for NIDA's business management activities, including budgets, grants, contracts, personnel, and information technology. She also plans for the long-range operational capabilities to ensure that the Institute can take advantage of future scientific opportunities and meet program needs.
"The entire Institute is extremely pleased that the President has recognized Ms. Rosenthal's accomplishments," says NIDA Director Dr. Alan I. Leshner. "She is unquestionably among the finest leaders at NIH."
"Walking a Good Path"

This winter, NIDA debuted its first Native American calendar, called "Walking a Good Path." Created in collaboration with American Indian/Alaska Native experts and organizations, the calendar features black-and-white photographs from throughout Indian Country. Quotes from young Indians and Alaska Natives accompany information to help the generations talk about drug abuse, addiction, prevention, and treatment, as well as health risks of a variety of drugs. For example, June's image is of a high-school graduate in mortarboard and American Indian garb. The quote is, "I never needed drugs in my life to be cool, fit in, have fun, or pollute my ."
"The calendar reaches out to parents and youth, presenting current science-based information about the differences between drug abuse and drug addiction, the health effects and risks of several drugs, and key elements of effective prevention and treatment," says NIDA Associate Director Dr. Timothy P. Condon.
Dr. Yvonne Maddox, acting director of the National Institutes of Health, launched the calendar in November at the annual conference of the Society for the Advancement of Chicano and Native American Scientists. Since then, it has been distributed to tribal colleges, Indian Health Service clinics, Native American journalists, tribal leaders, reservations, various American Indian museums and Indian-owned casinos, Bureau of Indian Affairs regional offices, NIDA constituent organizations, and Congress.