Dr. Elkashef Honored by PHS

Dr. Ahmed M. Elkashef, chief of NIDA's Clinical/Medical Branch, Division of Treatment Research and Development, has been named by the Public Health Service (PHS) Commissioned Corps as "Physician-Researcher of the Year" for 2002. The citation recognizes Dr. Elkashef's contributions to PHS accomplishments, goals, and objectives through his formulation and implementation of two major NIDA programs: the Methamphetamine Medications Development Program and the Relapse Prevention Paradigm, which seeks to develop a human laboratory methodology that will test various medications against known triggers for relapse to cocaine use.
Nobel Laureate Addresses Symposium

In May, NIDA sponsored a 3-day symposium to discuss structural genomics and proteomics -- the study of the shape and function of proteins formed from information carried in human genes. Topics included structural determination of protein molecules, cellular receptor sites, transporters, enzymes, and ion channels that act as gateways into the cell.
The symposium was organized by Dr. Rao Rapaka, chief of NIDA's Basic Neurobiology and Biological Systems Branch, and included a discussion of X-ray crystallography by Dr. Jerome Karle, who was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1985 for his work in determining the shape and structure of molecules.