The NIDA Clinical Toolbox is a compilation of publications based on NIDA-supported research, including the first three in a series of drug treatment therapy manuals and our most recent publication, Principles of Drug Addiction Treatment: A Research-Based Guide.
Author: National Institute on Drug Abuse
Dear Colleague:
On behalf of the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), I am pleased to present you with the NIDA Clinical Toolbox: Science-Based Materials for Drug Abuse Treatment Providers. NIDA is distributing this set of materials to the nearly 12,000 drug treatment programs nationwide in an effort to continually disseminate state-of-the-art research information about drug addiction and its treatment.
Over the past decade, science has literally revolutionized our understanding of drug abuse and addiction. This has resulted in new and exciting approaches to helping individuals with drug-related problems. The NIDA Clinical Toolbox is a compilation of publications based on NIDA-supported research, including the first three in a series of drug treatment therapy manuals and our most recent publication, Principles of Drug Addiction Treatment: A Research-Based Guide. It is our hope that these materials will help ensure a science-based foundation in your clinical practice.
The NIDA Clinical Toolbox is designed to accommodate additional NIDA publications on effective drug treatment approaches and strategies. As new materials become available, NIDA will continue to distribute them for inclusion in the Toolbox. We hope the Toolbox becomes a useful desk reference for many years to come.
I wish you continued success in your clinical work assisting those affected by drug abuse and addiction. Please feel free to contact NIDA for any additional information that may be useful in your practice.
Alan I. Leshner, Ph.D.
National Institute on Drug Abuse
Contents of the Toolbox
Therapy Manuals for Drug Addiction
- NIDA's Therapy Manuals series presents clear, helpful information to aid drug treatment practitioners in providing the best possible care. The therapies presented in the manuals exemplify the best of what is currently known about treating drug addiction. The first three manuals in the series are:
Research Report Series
- NIDA's Research Reports simplify the science of research findings for the educated lay public, legislators, educational groups, and practitioners. The series is updated periodically to reflect current knowledge on drugs of national interest. The Toolkit contains six Research Reports
Approaches to Drug Abuse Counseling
- The Approaches to Drug Abuse Counseling gives detailed descriptions of 12 counseling approaches currently being used in the United States. It includes contributions from the University of Pennsylvania, Hazeldon Foundation, 12-step counselors at the Betty Ford Clinic, and other respected treatment programs. Target audiences are treatment researchers, clinicians, medical schools, colleges, and universities.
Principles of Drug Addiction Treatment
- The Principles of Drug Addiction Treatment booklet presents 13 principles of effective drug abuse treatment, answers frequently asked questions, describes categories of treatment programs, and outlines scientifically validated approaches to treating drug addiction.
NIDA Web Page Flyer
- The one-page handout describes types of information available at NIDA's Web site.
JAMA Article
- An article by NIDA's Director, Alan I. Leshner, Ph.D., in JAMA (October 13, 1999) summarizes science-based views on why people use drugs, the nature of addiction, and what constitutes effective treatment for addiction.
NIDA Notes
- Free subscriptions are available for NIDA Notes, the Institute's primary vehicle for reporting research news to the drug abuse community nationwide and internationally. NIDA Notes is published six times each year.
Commonly Abused Drugs Chart
- An 8-1/2" x 11" laminated chart lists the most commonly abused drugs with their commercial and slang names, DEA categories, routes of administration, and short- and long-term effects. Principles of drug addiction treatment are also listed. (Content available at Commonly Abused Drugs).
Measuring and Improving Cost, Cost-Effectiveness, and Cost-Benefit for Substance Abuse Treatment Programs (Flyer)
- The flyer describes a NIDA manual that takes the mystery out of cost accounting for treatment programs. The methodology presented in the manual is based on a cost-procedure-process-outcome analysis model that has been well researched and tested with substance abuse treatment programs.
The NIDA Community-Based Outreach Model: A Manual To Reduce the Risk of HIV and Other Blood-Borne Infections in Drug Users (Brochure)
- The brochure describes a new NIDA manual that contains step-by-step guidance to help community planners, policymakers, programmers, and service providers to conduct effective outreach programs and reduce the risk of HIV and other blood-borne infections among drug abusers. The NIDA Outreach Model is based on more than 15 years of studies in 50+ communities demonstrating the effectiveness of community-based outreach strategies.