True or False:
Q: My child is too young to start smoking.
A. False. Tobacco use usually begins at an early age. About 3,000 kids a day become regular smokers
Q: Marijuana use can affect my child's ability to participate in school, sports, and other activities.
A: True. Marijuana makes it harder for a child to learn, think, and remember things. It can destroy motivation. Regular use can even interfere with your child's physical development.
Q: If I talk with my children about alcohol and drug use, I'll put ideas in their heads.
A. False. Your children need to hear the facts. Tell them that alcohol and drugs are illegal, dangerous, and wrong and that you don't want them to drink or use drugs. At some point, they'II probably face peer pressure to experiment with alcohol and drugs. Don't wait until that happens to talk with them.
Did You Know That....?
- Marijuana use by young people has been increasing since 1991.
- The average age of first use of marijuana is 13.5 years old. That means that many young people start even earlier!
- Marijuana use affects the brain and impairs short-term memory, perception, motivation, judgment, and motor skills. Regular use can lead to chest colds, chronic bronchitis, anxiety, and breathing problems and can affect normal growth in children.
- Household items such as glue, spray paint, and whipping cream aerosols are abusable substances called inhalants. They are cheap, available, and dangerous.
- Nobody is more important in talking with your children than you.

Additional True or False:
Q: Children spend more time watching TV than they spend in school.
A. True. An American child typically spends almost twice as many hours watching TV each year as learning in a classroom. The average is about four hours of TV a day! It's no surprise that the vast majority of parents would like to limit their children's TV viewing. So why not make one day a week TV-free, and instead of turning on the tube, do something together: cook supper, read a book, do a puzzle, walk the dog, or go for a bike ride.
Q: Children tend to eat fewer fruits and vegetables than their parents do.
A. True. For good health, both adults and children should eat five or more servings of fruits and vegetables a day as part of their diet. These may include fresh, frozen, canned, or even dried fruits and vegetables. A 6-ounce glass of 100% fruit or vegetable juice counts too.

10 Tips to Healthy Eating and Physical Activity for You
- Start your day with breakfast.
- Get Moving!
- Snack smart.
- Work up a sweat.
- Balance your food choices--don't eat too much of any one thing.
- Get fit with friends or family.
- Eat more grains, fruits and vegetables.
- Join in physical activities at school.
- Foods aren't good or bad.
- Make healthy eating and physical activities fun!
Children Need Lots of Positive Reinforcement
Are your children the APPLE of your eye?
Your children look up to you. To help them succeed, remember the word APPLE
A SK your children about their day in school, their latest project, or their favorite books or movies.
P RAISE them often for their good efforts, but be specific in your praise.
P ARTICIPATE in activities with your children. Visit their school, share your favorite hobbies, read together.
L EARN together. Introduce yourself and your children to new ideas, places, people, and experiences.
E NCOURAGE your children to keep trying and to not give up.
APPLE courtesy of the National Association of Elementary School Principals and World Book Educational Products.