Evaluation of Drug Screening Implementation in Primary Care

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Recent trials of screening and brief intervention for drug use have not demonstrated benefit compared to screening alone.  However, the value of screening for drug use, compared to no screening, has not been evaluated.  Screening for drug use may identify patients with drug use disorders who might need more intensive treatments than brief intervention.  In states where marijuana use is now legal for recreation, as well as medical uses, clinicians want to be aware of and assess risks of marijuana use.  Further, little is known about the predictive validity of screens for marijuana and/or drug use/misuse for subsequent adverse health outcomes.  To that end, this study seeks to evaluate implementation of drug screening in primary care to: 1) describe rates of drug and marijuana screening, and positive screens, as well as barriers and facilitators to population-based screening; 2) assess changes in rates of assessment and identification; and 3) assess whether drug and marijuana use is associated with increased subsequent urgent care, ED, and hospitalization.

CTN Protocol ID: 

Principal Investigator(s)

Katharine Bradley, M.D., M.P.H.
Principle Investigator, Senior Scientist Senior Investigator
Kaiser Permanente Washington Health Research Institute
1730 Minor Avenue, Ste. 1600
Seattle, WA 98101
United States