A Feasibility Study of a Telephone Enhancement Procedure (TELE) To Improve Participation in Continuing Care Activities

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Relapse rates are frequently high during the first few months after substance abuse treatment, often reversing many of the positive results of treatment. Virtually all treatment programs strongly recommend that participants get involved in "aftercare" or "continuing care" activities after they are discharged. This study examined the feasibility and potential efficacy of phone calls to patients after discharge from short-term inpatient and residential substance abuse treatment programs to encourage compliance with continuing care plans.

CTN Protocol ID: 
ClinicalTrials.gov ID: 

Principal Investigator(s)

Robert Hubbard, Ph.D., M.B.A.
Professor of Psychiatry
Duke University Medical Center

Static CTPS

Participating Sites

  • Morris Village Alcohol and Drug Treatment Center, South Carolina