Opioid Use Disorders in Primary Care Settings: Linking EHRs with PDMP and National Death Index Data Systems

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Opioid addiction is associated with excess mortality, morbidities, and other adverse health and social conditions.  Most knowledge of opioid addiction, however, is based on studies of individuals treated in publicly-funded specialty programs.  At present there is limited information about patterns of opioid use, related infectious disease (HIV, hepatitis C) and other co-morbidity, and health care utilization among individuals treated in primary care settings.  The availability of electronic health records (EHRs) provides the opportunity to examine the health status and service use among large and diverse primary care samples.  This study will analyze electronic health records of individuals treated for opioid addiction in a primary care network and will link EHR data with two other existing data systems (i.e., Prescription Drug Monitoring Program or PDMP, National Death Index) in order to generate actionable knowledge and identify ways to improve care.

CTN Protocol ID: 

Principal Investigator(s)

Yih-Ing Hser, Ph.D.
Integrated Substance Abuse Programs
University of California
11075 Santa Monica Boulevard
Suite 200
Los Angeles, CA 90025
United States