Patient and System-Level Factors Associated with HEDIS AOD-IET Measure Performance across Health Systems

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This study will examine how performance on the AOD initiation and engagement measures vary by characteristics of the eligible population; how performance on the AOD initiation and engagement measures vary by system characteristics; and structural differences and policies within each region and for specific facilities which may explain variations in performance on the HEDIS AOD Initiation and Engagement measures.

CTN Protocol ID: 

Principal Investigator(s)

Constance Weisner, Dr.P.H., M.S.W.
Professor and Director of Faculty Development
University of California, San Francisco
Kaiser Permanente
Department of Psychiatry
2000 Broadway
Oakland, CA 94612
United States

Cynthia Campbell, Ph.D.
Research Scientist III
Kaiser Permanente
Division of Research
2000 Broadway, 3rd Floor
Oakland, CA 94612
United States