Project HOPE: Hospital Visit as Opportunity for Prevention and Engagement for HIV-Infected Drug Users

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Project HOPE will evaluate the effectiveness of a brief intervention delivered to HIV-infected drug users recruited from the hospital setting in achieving viral suppression. The trial comprises: 1) an active patient navigator component: a strengths-based case management approach that includes motivation, physical escort to treatment, and face-to-face booster sessions; and 2) a passive incentives/contingency management component to further motivate and reinforce completion of target behaviors. The primary goal of the study is HIV viral suppression. In addition, the study will also determine linkage and retention in HIV primary care, linkage and retention in drug abuse treatment, and reduction in numbers of hospitalizations.

CTN Protocol ID: 
CTN-0049 ID: 

Principal Investigator(s)

Lisa Metsch, Ph.D.
Stephen Smith Professor and Chair of Sociomedical Sciences Department
Sociomedical Sciences Mailman School of Public Health
Columbia University
722 West 168th Street, Room 918
New York, NY 10032