Tobacco, Alcohol, Prescription Medications, and Substance Use/Misuse Brief screen/assessment tool (TAPS Tool)

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This study seeks the validation of a clinically useful brief screening and assessment instrument to identify patients with problematic substance use or a SUD to facilitate brief interventions and referrals to appropriate treatment.  Specifically, this study’s aims to 1) develop a two-stage brief screening and assessment instrument  to detect unhealthy use of  tobacco, alcohol, prescription, and illicit drugs among primary care patients;  2) examine the validity of this 2-stage instrument by comparing it to reference standard measures for substance use, problematic use, and substance use disorders; and 3) determine the feasibility of a self-administered 2-stage tool and an interviewer-administered 2-stage tool in US General Medical Settings.

CTN Protocol ID: 
CTN-0059 ID: 

Principal Investigator(s)

Robert Schwartz , M.D.
Program Director
Friends Research Institute, Inc.
1040 Park Avenue, Suite 103
Baltimore, MD 21201

Jennifer McNeely, M.D., M.S.
Assistant Professor
New York University School of Medicine
Department of Population Health
227 East 30th Street, Room 711
New York, NY 10016

Li-Tzy Wu, Sc.D., R.N., M.A.
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Duke University Medical Center
BOX 3903
Durham, NC 27710