Buprenorphine/Naloxone (Bup/Nx) Facilitated Rehabilitation for Heroin Addicted Adolescents/Young Adults

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The usual treatment for opioid-addicted youth is detoxification and counseling. Some treatment providers are reluctant to use opioid agonist medications in this population, especially for long-term opioid maintenance. This study compared Bup/Nx treatment for 9 weeks and taper for 3 weeks to treatment as usual (Bup/Nx detox for 2 weeks). Both arms received counseling for 12 weeks.

CTN Protocol ID: 
ClinicalTrials.gov ID: 

Principal Investigator(s)

George E. Woody, M.D.
University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine
Treatment Research Institute
Department of Psychiatry
600 Public Ledger Building
150 S. Independence Mall - West
Philadelphia, PA 19106

Static CTPS