Archived News Releases

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NewsScan for August 23, 2005 - Research News

 |  Therapists Don’t Live By Treatment Manuals Alone Participating in three days of seminars followed by supervised casework and using an instructional Website are more effective methods of teaching cognitive behavioral...

Miami Beach Blending Conference Scheduled

 |  WHAT: A 2-day conference that will bring together clinicians and researchers to examine cutting-edge scientific findings about drug abuse and addiction and their application to clinical practice. WHY: As in...

NewsScan for March 9, 2005 - Research News

 |  Medication May Reduce Inhalant-Seeking Behavior in Rats Scientists at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Brookhaven National Laboratory have found that the anticonvulsant drug vigabatrin (also known as gamma vinyl-GABA or...

Teen Drug Use Declines 2003-2004

 |  According to the Department of Health and Human Services, results from the annual Monitoring the Future (MTF) survey indicate an almost 7 percent decline of any illicit drug use in...

NewsScan for April 30, 2004 - Research News

 |  Medication for Multiple Sclerosis May Help in Treating Cocaine Addiction Results of a NIDA-funded study show that a combination of substance abuse counseling and baclofen—a medication often used to treat...

NIDA Goes BACK to School

 |  At a press briefing held today in Washington, D.C., Dr. Nora D. Volkow, director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), National Institutes of Health, discussed the Institute's new...

NIDA Goes BACK to School

 |  Like millions of students and teachers across the country, the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), a component of the National Institutes of Health, is going back to school in...

NewsScan for July 30, 2003 - Research News

 |  New Vaccine Reduces Behavioral Effects of Nicotine NIDA-funded scientists have developed a new vaccine that successfully reduces the behavioral effects of nicotine in rats. Unlike previously developed vaccines, the new...

NewsScan for May 2, 2003 - Research News

 |  Real-Time Monitoring of Dopamine Activity in Brain Helps Explain How Environmental Cues Contribute to Cocaine Relapse Real-time monitoring of dopamine activity in the brain shows that in rats the mere...

NewsScan for March 5, 2003

 |  NIDA News - Dr. Nora D. Volkow Named Director of NIDA Nora D. Volkow, M.D., has been appointed the new director of NIDA by National Institutes of Health Director Dr...

NewsScan for May 28, 2002 - Research News

 |  Dopamine May Play Role in Cue-Induced Craving Distinct from Its Role Regulating Reward Effects NIDA-supported researchers from Brookhaven National Laboratory and the State University of New York at Stony Brook...

NewsScan for January 30, 2002 - Research News

 |  Antipsychotic Drug Risperidone Reduces Euphoric Effects of Cocaine Repeated dosing with risperidone, an antipsychotic drug used to treat disorganized or psychotic thinking, was effective in blunting the euphoric highs associated...

NewsScan for October 16, 2001 - Research News

 |  Scientists Show Marijuana Use Affects Learning, Other Memory Skills Researchers at the McLean Hospital/Harvard Medical School have found that heavy, long-term marijuana use produces memory impairment for days or even...